Mobility & flexibility are good for runners because of the need to be able to move through normal ranges of motion required by running, so you can … [Read More...]

Dynamic Stretching & Warm-Up Drill for Runners
The following video serves as a guide to completing Dynamic stretching for runners. This type of stretching improves mobility, flexibility and can … [Read More...]

Why running is so good for you
If you’re reading this post, you’re probably a runner & already have an appreciation for the benefits of running. However, my guess is that you … [Read More...]

5 (tough) bodyweight exercises to improve endurance
In the video below, they show some tough bodyweight exercises that will definitely improve endurance. This isn’t a dumbbell workout (completing each … [Read More...]

How Far Should You Go On Your Long Run
Traditional thought is that when training for a half or full marathon, your weekly long run should comprise no more than 33% of your weekly mileage. … [Read More...]

Runner’s home dumbbell workout
I know I've posted a number of "at home workouts" lately. Some of these contain similar exercises, but there is variety. So I want to give you some … [Read More...]

Full body dumbbell workout – perfect for runners
Although this workout is promoted as being for toning, I think it’s perfect for runners as long as you use light weights. This workout is brought … [Read More...]

Why you should keep training through COVID-19
Even if your race has been cancelled, you're concerned about social distancing in a busy city, you're homeschooling your kids and don't have much … [Read More...]