There’s so much training information available on the internet for marathon training. There’s no reason to get overwhelmed because I can assure you that there’s no 1 best way to train for a marathon. However, I think that the following short video does a nice job of breaking down some of the key strategies to successfully getting through the marathon journey. Even if you’re an experienced runner, there’s some good tips and strategies inside.
Training for a marathon is a journey of 12+ weeks of training and lifestyle changes. It’s a tremendous accomplishment for anyone who finishes. it’s not just a 26.2 mile race.

I’ll share a few of the key tips from the video:
Get a coach or at least use a structured plan. If your new to running marathons, I strongly recommend using a coach. If you’re concerned about the cost, try a group coached/team marathon training. It’s really important to have a qualified coach to guide you and put together a plan that’s personalized to your current physical abilities and your realistic goals. A coach can help set you up with the proper workouts and pacing for these workouts. Also it’s nice to have someone to ask questions and help you have a positive experience.
Ensure your training involves a lot of variety. This includes easy/recovery runs, long runs, tempos, hill training and speed workouts. Also it’s important to cross training 1-2 times per week.The variety of workouts at the appropriate times during your training plan will ensure your body adapts to the training and that you get the most out of each workout. Variety isn’t random workouts, it’s a periodized program that’s logical in it’s build up from easier/base building through strength and speed work and then ultimately workouts that help you peak for your race.
Get quality sleep throughout your training & minimize stress. Your goal should be 8 hours. For busy people this can be very challenging, so just do your best to get as much sleep as you can. Learn to say no to activities or commitments that will take up too much time and result in more stress to your life. Lean on your family and/or friends for a few months while you train. Explain that you have a goal and for the next 3-4 months, you’ll need some help to give you a few extra hours each week for training and a extra sleep.
I’ve expanded on the tips discussed in the video based on my knowledge and experience. Click through the link to watch the video and pick up some valuable tips.