No matter what your endeavor, in order to taste success, you have to consistently work your craft. Whether you’re a writer, coding, in sales, a manager, an athlete or whatever, it’s nearly impossible to be good if you’re not regularly working at it.
In one of author Brad Stulberg’s lastest posts, he describes how “everyone can benefit immensely from cultivating a regular physical practice.” When you are training for a race (regardless of length), especially longer races like 1/2 and full marathons, I think that there’s no argument that there’s measurable gains from simply planning and executing very regular physical practice. The gains not only improve your physical health, but there’s benefits to your mental health & confidence and even to your creativity.
In this article, Stulberg reveals how in his transition from endurance sports to strength training, he now can see the benefits of consistency of practice. He shares five take-aways that he can now see as a “beginner.” One of the big lessons is that SLEEP & NUTRITION ARE THE PRACTICE. He calls it the 24 Hour Body.
Find out the what else is the key to consistent physical practice and apply it to your life and training.