I’m a big believer in strength training. Especially for older runners, it’s a great way to prevent injuries. If you’re injury free, you can stack week after week of running on top of each other. The following 15 minute body weight workout is one of the best proven way to reach your goals (assuming that you’re doing the right kind of workouts).
The more consistent you are with your routine, the more likely you are to see results. In my mind, with strength training, it’s all about convenience.
The workout below is full of a wide variety of movements that work the springlike elasticity of your muscles and trains them to generate power quickly and efficiently.
You will know if you’re improving if each week, you’re able to finish more reps in the allotted time while maintaining proper form. The toughest exercises for me in this routine are the triangle or diamond push-ups and the pull-ups.
Outsideonline provides a nice video at the bottom of the post so you can see how the exercises are performed.