Injuries are one of the biggest challenges for runners. In following video, the presenter uses props & a fancy posture analysis app to argue that posture and specifically running in the most upright position gives runners the best chance to avoid injuries.

Also discussed in the video are 6 different foot, core, hip and back positioning maneuvers / exercises that measure ankle inflexion, hip extension and core strength.
The goal of these exercises is to identify areas of weakness that a runner (or really any athlete) can work on to prevent injuries.
Posture & hip position are very important for runners. Proper positioning can be difficult if you have weak glutes.
One of the drawbacks of the video is that they don’t go into any detail of recommended exercises that would strengthen any areas of weakness. It’s almost as if the presenter believes that if you just do each of these exercises/maneuvers you’ll get strong enough to avoid injuries.
In my opinion, it would be more beneficial to work various conditioning exercises that would strengthen the specific muscles / areas of the body that are to be targeted for injury prevention.
It’s a 23 minute video, but the presenter shows all the maneuvers in details and discusses how each exercise relates to a specific injury. I encourage you to watch through the video and test out the exercises yourself.
Injury Prevention for Runners via Injury Prevention for Runners