It’s important to understand that You play the most important role in staying healthy. The marathon training survival tips discussed in this short video will help you achieve your goals, stay healthy and have a good experience during your training and race.
First it’s important that if your goal is to finish a marathon, you need to respect the distance and understand that over the course of a long race and especially over a lengthy training plan, a lot can go wrong. Avoid the mindset that there’s some “magic” gadget or shoe that will solve your problem. However, that being said, you need the right equipment to stay injury free and improve your time.
In the following video, a number of “survival tips” are discussed. One that I really like, is the rolling drill. My preference is to use a lacrosse ball. Don’t just roll the bottom of your foot. I suggest using the ball to roll on tight spots throughout your lower body (waist down).
Regular strength training is also essential. I’m a big believer in regularly completing exercises that will strengthen your hips, glutes and legs. These exercises will ultimately improve your balance. The Bosu ball can be found in most gyms. Use one with dumbbells to help improve balance.
If you’re a beginner runner, it’s really good advice to progress slowly through shorter races before you attempt a marathon.
The video provides other tips that will help you stay injury free and enjoy the training experience.