The following video shows in detail a recent hill workout completed by Bowerman Track Club ladies, including elite runner, Gwen Jorgensen. I enjoy the commentary provided by Jorgensen. Her comments about the difference between training for shorter races vs. marathons are noteworthy.
The biggest benefit of hill training is that it improves endurance & if done properly, an efficient running form. I think they also build leg strength and confidence.
There are many types of hill workouts.
a) Hills at conversation pace
b) Hill repetitions – which is what’s shown in this video
c) Modifications of hill workouts with varying distances & speed.
Downhill workouts are great training for races like the Boston Marathon.
You can also complete hill training on machines like treadmills, stairclimbers and ellipticals.
In a periodized program, hill workouts are typically completed after a lengthy base training segment. I like to call the next mesocycle strength training. We not only conduct weekly hill workouts, but also fartlek and shorter tempo runs.
The workout discussed and shown in this article is shorter intervals 200m & 400m repeats. However, prior to doing this workout, the runners complete a longer warm-up (40 – 60min). After finishing the hills, 8 x 200m strides are completed to help improve foot speed.
Check out the short video and plan on introducing hill workouts into your strength training mesocycle.